Aug 29, 2017
Today's show:
Travelling and involved in ministry in the Czech Republic, Bryan brings some stories about storytelling at a big festival and then in a local church with a...
Aug 22, 2017
Today's show:
Bryan chats with Jaroslav Tomašovský, Director for Wycliffe Slovakia, and hears how he discovered the power of storytelling...
Aug 15, 2017
Owing to technical difficulties and travel challenges story4all apologises for any inconvenience caused in the lack of a show this week. We expect to be on the air again next week. Your prayers and friendship are appreciated.
Meantime, you may really appreciate the interview that I managed to do with Bryan Entzminger on...
Aug 8, 2017
Today's show:
Currently on assignment in Guatemala, Bryan meets with a friend and colleague, and hears her story about moving from the world of nursing to...
Aug 1, 2017
Today's show:
Bryan tells some more stories that were sent in this week by email from one of the instructors on the recent Zithulele workshop in...