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Hello to story4all podcast listeners!

We have recently upgraded our Show Notes hosting site. Feel free to have a look around and reach out to us via the Contact section if you would like to get in touch!


Welcome to story4all podcast!

This show is all about the power of storytelling God's Word and using discussion questions as well as all sorts of diverse forms of oral communication (dance, drama, song, poetry, henna!) to aid us in obeying the Great Commission to make disciples of the lost (especially the oral learner).

We've been 'on the air' since May 2006 so there is a huge archive of shows, stories about storytelling and how God has been using it globally as well as all kinds of interesting resources to help you reach out to others by oral means.

Have a listen and see if you would like to subscribe via iTunes or your favourite 'podcatcher' and join us here weekly!