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Hello to story4all podcast listeners!

We have recently upgraded our Show Notes hosting site. Feel free to have a look around and reach out to us via the Contact section if you would like to get in touch!

Aug 29, 2006

On today's show:

  1. Bryan & Yvette give feedback on Jim Slack's message about Cultural Christianity
  2. A story of a Brahmin woman from India and an unusual oral strategy she employed to reach a relative
  3. A calendar of great storying and training events happening in the coming months!

Go straight to our Calendar page to find...

Aug 22, 2006

Today's podcast concludes our three-part series on Orality and Cultural Christianity.

This final part of the message wraps up the message and points out its implications for reaching and discipling oral learners the world over.

This message is not just for those working in foreign lands or going out as missionaries, but...

Aug 15, 2006

Today is the second show in our three-part series on Orality and Cultural Christianity.

This message continues to discuss how worldview effects our beliefs and vividly portrays how the Message can be garbled if we do not come to grips with cultural Christianity where it exists in us, our proclamation and practices.


Aug 8, 2006

Today's show begins a three-part series on Cultural Christianity.

The message on this podcast opens up a whole pattern of thought about how worldview effects our beliefs.

We expect this series to lay the foundation for future shows on the subject of worldview, and how oral (storying) methods are essential for a person's...

Aug 1, 2006

On today's podcast we continue the MegaVoice focus with a BUMPER show content as follows:

  1. An interview with Don Steadman and stories from India
  2. A summary of MegaVoice products
  3. Audio clips from a great DVD produced about a recent MegaVoice trip to India
  4. Dorothy Miller of The God's Story Project tells stories of their...