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Hello to story4all podcast listeners!

We have recently upgraded our Show Notes hosting site. Feel free to have a look around and reach out to us via the Contact section if you would like to get in touch!

Jan 26, 2010

Today's show:

  • Yvette's retirement - end of an era!
  • What next? What's on the cards for 2010?
  • Family on a journey ...

Yvette Wilkinson has been a loved co-host with us since the outset in May 2006. Sadly today she announces her "retirement" from story4all due to increased family, work and church leadership commitments....

Jan 19, 2010

Today's show:

  • Meet John & Cheryl Fornelli
  • Stories about storytelling in Papua New Guinea, Peru, Nicaragua, Botswana & more

Bryan recently interviewed John and Cheryl Fornelli of ReachGlobal, and hear stories from how the Lord is using them to reach oral cultures across the globe through story.

Links mentioned in the...

Jan 12, 2010

Today's show:

  • Stories that flow out of the overflow!
  • Stories that teach us

Dorothy Miller continues on from last week, discussing with Bryan from a multitude of life experiences about how we can allow our witness for Jesus flow out of our lives naturally. Enjoy!

Links mentioned in the show:

  • Youth With A Mission...

Jan 5, 2010

Today's show:

  • Dorothy gives examples from her experience of ways to use stories
  • The universality of God's Word

Bryan catches up with Dorothy Miller and gets some testimonies of storytelling 'on the way'. Testimonies of the universality of God's Word meeting people as we come across them in our daily lives in short...