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Mar 27, 2012

Today' show:

  • A man who shares Jesus in the hills
  • How story has been a powerful tool for him
  • One of God's jewels in the Himalayas

It is a blessing in this ministry to meet some very special people who are doing some wonderful jobs in the harvest fields of the world. Tinu is an Indian man who has been reaching out...

Mar 20, 2012

Today's show:

  • An interview in India with a Kenyan working in Ethiopia
  • Reaching the old and young with story
  • Raising missionaries from the harvest

John Nderitu is a man with a mission. Originally from Kenya, he and his family have been living in Ethiopia for twelve years and they have been reaching out to many of the...

Mar 13, 2012

Today's show:

  • Storytelling is for literates too
  • Interview with Fuller graduate and William Carey University professor

Bryan, fresh back from a training ministry trip to India, shares an interview that he recorded this past week with Bill Bjoraker, who teaches part time in William Carey University and also is...

Mar 6, 2012

Today's show:

  • A special school for the ladies!
  • How a fight in the kitchen led to an Oral Bible School
  • Inspired by story and saved by God from the point of a sword!

Bryan chats with a group of women warriors and students of a Western Kenya Oral Bible School, who show so much commitment to pursuing learning the Bible...