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Jul 31, 2007

Continuing our summer conversations with a team of orality specialists and experts, today's discussion compares literate forms of witness with the use of stories (through Chronological Bible Storying). Great stuff here!

The specialists conversing in this CD series are:

Jul 24, 2007

Continuing our summer conversations with a team of orality specialists and experts, today's discussion centres round:

  • how storying can be used to multiply churches among the lost.

The specialists conversing in this CD series are:

Jul 17, 2007

Continuing our summer conversations with a team of orality specialists and experts, today's discussion centres round:

  • the use of appropriate technology for reaching out to Primary Oral Learners (POLs),
  • the number of languages employed among POLs and, lastly,
  • a discussion on whether the authority of the Canon of...

Jul 10, 2007

As Bryan and Yvette continue with their summer break, we return to letting you eavesdrop on a conversation between specialists in the field of Orality as they discuss ways in which we can make disciples of primary oral learners.

The first module (of 7) in the CD series entitled Following Jesus - Making Disciples of...

Jul 3, 2007

Bryan and Yvette, for varying and family reasons, are on hiatus this summer, and taking time off from the more active conversational type show. Instead throughout the next couple of months we are going to let you eavesdrop on a conversation between specialists in the field of Orality as they discuss ways in which we can...