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Apr 28, 2009


  • Martins Atanda from Muslim Northern Nigeria tells his story
  • Bryan discovers how Martins has always had a heart for the most unreached in the hardest places
  • Martins shares how moving to 'story' has been vital and dynamic in reaching the difficult places

Training opportunities:

Keep an eye on our calendar for...

Apr 21, 2009

Today's show:

  • Fabulous resources for Chronological Bible Storying with children
  • Bryan & Yvette discuss the "storying quilt" and the heap of resources available for you to order today
  • Kurt Jarvis offers these resources on the CBS4Kids website

Training opportunities:

Keep an eye on our calendar for some exciting...

Apr 14, 2009

Today's show:

  • Teachers discover inductive Bible study - oral style!
  • Jo-An Mayes, Junior High teacher, talks with Bryan about her STS training experience
  • From Texas, Kellie Merrick, Bible teacher of 30 years, tells her story and the joy of her discovery of storytelling

Training opportunities:

Keep an eye on our...

Apr 7, 2009

Today's show:

  • Bryan meets veteran missionary to Asia, Johnny Norwood
  • Multiplying churches through storying
  • Multiplying Ministries

Links mentioned in today's show:

  • Johnny Norwood has a pending website at Multiplying Ministries that should be up and running in a short while for ordering the books mentioned in today's...