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Aug 26, 2008

On today's episode we conclude our time with Timothy Olonade, Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association, as he discusses "The Dynamics of Reaching People Groups in Africa".

Pick of the Week:

This week we choose a film, based on the JESUS film but with a focus on women. Magdalena: Released from...

Aug 19, 2008

Today's show:

Timothy Olonade, Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association, continues discussing the challenge of reaching people groups in Africa, and he gets into why storytelling plays such a vital role in this.

Other things Timothy touches on in today's show:

  • What is blocking the African...

Aug 12, 2008

On today's episode of story4all Timothy Olonade, Executive Secretary of the Nigeria Evangelical Missions Association, gives us some outside-of-the-box and inspiring teaching that is peppered with stories from his experiences in, and the cultures of, Africa.

A different show this week as we continue our Summer Sessions...

Aug 5, 2008

Today's show:

  • Concluding session with Jim Bowman
  • Nitty gritty of SIU's training
  • "Cycles of church planting" with stories

Jim Bowman ends his talk from the International Orality Conference on Training Grass Roots Workers in the Use of Oral Strategies. He focuses today on what Scriptures in Use (SIU) actually do in...