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Hello to story4all podcast listeners!

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Mar 31, 2015

Today's show:

  • Two volunteers share their passions about storytelling
  • Bible Telling ministry
  • John Walsh's ministry

We heard from them separately - Roger Schmidgall and Anne Alexander - in the past two weeks. This week they join Bryan together and share their passions about why storytelling is so important.


Mar 24, 2015

Today's show:

  • Raised in Taiwan
  • A missionary kid finds story
  • Bible storytelling, translation and regular ministry

In the second of our series on John Walsh's ministry, we meet Anne Alexander, who grew up as a missionary kid in Taiwan and how she found Bible storytelling as a practical and exciting way to reach out...

Mar 17, 2015

Today's show:

  • A man leaves 42 years working in insurance to tell stories
  • Storytelling in India and Israel
  • And a new Bible storytelling app

John Walsh has often been on our show and today, in the first of a series from John's organisation, we meet Roger Schmidgall. Roger used to work for State Farm Insurance and is...

Mar 10, 2015

Today's show:

  • Brand new resource for learning Bible storytelling
  • Storyfire launches online
  • Regina Manley of MAF talks about this new venture

Bryan caught up with an old friend of his and story4all, Regina Manley of Mission Aviation Fellowship. Regina tells Bryan all about a new storytelling training that is...

Mar 3, 2015

Today's show:

  • Stories that heal
  • Stories bring songs to the unreached heart
  • Reaching four generations and more

Jennifer Jagerson is with us again this week getting more stories from Asia in an interview with a missionary we heard from in show number 456 last month. Fabulous stories today amongst a people group who...